Advantages of Having a Website as a Small Business in Kenya


A website is the best way to promote your company, especially if you want to expand globally. It provides you with more visibility than a social media platform. You can easily add new content to your website as well as make changes and edits to existing pages. A good website will also increase brand awareness, which will increase productivity because more people will visit your site because they already know about it or heard about it from someone else who has visited it before inquiring.

It gives you a lot of visibility

A website is an excellent way to reach a large number of people. It is critical for your company to be noticed by potential customers, investors, and other companies. A website will assist you in reaching out to those individuals in the most efficient manner possible.

The benefit of having a website is that it increases your visibility on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; it also allows potential customers to learn more about your company through search engines such as Google or Bing (if they don’t already know about you).

Better than a social media platform

However, having a website as a small business in Kenya is preferable to having an Instagram or Facebook account because it is more personal.

The platform allows you to interact with your customers, clients, and partners, making it more engaging. This entails getting to know them and forming relationships with them. You also have access to their data, which you can use for marketing purposes in the future if necessary (as we’ll discuss later).

You don’t have to rely on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter because they are slow; they may not always work when there is high traffic due to server overloads, resulting in a poor user experience and affecting revenue generation.”

Having a website gives you complete control over your brand. You have complete freedom to create, design, and build content. You also don’t have to be concerned about someone else changing or updating it for you because they won’t be able to access the site unless you grant them access.

Easy to update

When you have a website, you can easily update it. You can update your website whenever and however often you want. There are no restrictions on how frequently or what type of updates you can make to your site. It is entirely up to YOU!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a small business owner in Kenya, it’s that if something works well for me, I’ll stick with it because it allows me to run my business more efficiently than any other options available (even though they may be more expensive).

I’m not suggesting that you never update your website. The point I’m trying to make is that it’s simple for you to do so, and the benefits far outweigh any potential costs.

If you have a website, you can easily update it. There are no restrictions on how frequently or what type of updates you can make to your site. It is entirely up to YOU! If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a small business owner in Kenya, it’s that if something works well for me, I’ll stick with it because it allows me to run my business more efficiently than any other options available (even though they may be more expensive).

It increases brand awareness

The more you interact with customers, the more they will learn about your company. This will raise brand awareness and increase their likelihood of purchasing from you in the future.

It allows you to connect with your customers through email marketing campaigns, social media posts, and other forms of communication that can be used to demonstrate your commitment to providing excellent customer service.

It allows you to communicate with vendors on an ongoing basis, ensuring that everyone is up to date at all times – especially when there are issues like pricing changes or new products being introduced into the marketplace!

It allows you to connect with your customers via email marketing campaigns, social media posts, and other forms of communication that can be used to demonstrate your commitment to providing excellent customer service. This will raise brand awareness and increase their likelihood of purchasing from you in the future.

Increases productivity

As a small business owner, you’re constantly juggling competing priorities. Customers may struggle to find what they need if your website is out of date and difficult to navigate. It’s also critical that your website is simple to update because this means that if there are any issues with your company’s products or services, you’ll have a chance to get feedback from customers who have dealt with these issues firsthand.

Sharing content on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter also helps boost productivity. These platforms give users like you access to a variety of ways to share information about what interests you the most without having any prior knowledge of previous interactions with other people. This means that if you’re a frequent social media user, you’ll be able to share content with your followers without needing to rely on others.

Website is the best medium to promote your business.

A website is the most effective way to promote your company. It’s an effective way to reach a large, niche, or even specific audience in Kenya.

  • Large audience: The majority of people use the internet every day and have access to information via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This means that if you have an online presence on these platforms, it will be simple for people outside your local area who may not know much about you or the services/products you offer but want to learn more about them before visiting their office.
  • Niche audiences: If any groups within Kenya want networking opportunities, such as women entrepreneurs, having an online presence can help promote this group within their communities by giving people access via social media networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn where they can connect with other members who share similar interests as well as get updates from those sharing similar experiences within those societies (e..g women entrepreneurs).
  • Specific audiences: There may be businesses out there that focus on specific types of products/services, so having their website gives them visibility into how successful these businesses are; this would mean more customers coming into contact with these companies rather than relying solely on word-of-mouth advertising, which may not work as effectively due to a lack of visibility because only close friends know each other well enough.


You can also use a website to create your business cards and other promotional materials. You can also use it to share information about your business, so people know more about it. And if you want to grow your business with the help of social media, then that’s great too!

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