Our Services

magwaDigital offers a range of website services to help businesses of all sizes improve their online presence and reach their target audience.

Our services include:

Website Development

Get a Professional,
Custom Website

We offer custom website development services to help our clients establish a distinct and professional online presence. Our experienced designers and developers will collaborate with you to understand your company’s needs and goals, and then design a website that reflects your brand and effectively showcases your products or services.

Website Redesign

Give Your Website
a Modern Makeover

If you already have a website but want to give it a modern and professional makeover, we offer website redesign services. Our team will collaborate with you to understand your company’s needs and goals before designing a new website that effectively converts visitors into leads.


Ensure Your Website is Always Running Smoothly

We now provide website maintenance to keep your site up to date and running smoothly. This includes regular updates, backups, security checks, and performance optimizations to ensure your website is always operating at peak performance.

With WebCare+, you can send any relevant strategies to your dedicated manager, who will work tirelessly to complete them for you. Alternatively, you can easily contact our team to discuss how to tailor the strategies to your specific business or website requirements.

Take advantage of this valuable service and allow us to assist you in your online success. We will be there for you every step of the way.

More Services Offered

Personal Websites

We bring a level of expertise and professionalism to the table that can ensure the success of your website. We have the skills and experience necessary to create a high-quality website that meets your specific needs and goals.

Ecommerce Websites

We can provide customized solutions that are tailored to your unique business or brand. This means that you'll get a website that is perfectly suited to your needs and that stands out from the competition.

Corporate Websites

We can help you create a website that is adaptable and able to evolve with your business. They can ensure that your website is flexible and able to grow and change as your needs change.

Website maintenance

Working with us can be a cost-effective solution, especially when compared to trying to build a website on your own. We can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run.

Website Redesign

We are dedicated to delivering high-quality results that meet your expectations. We have the tools, knowledge, and experience to create a website that is professional, functional, and visually appealing.

Ongoing support

With WebCare+ we give ongoing support to ensure that your website continues to perform at its best. This means you can count on us to be there for you whenever you need help or have questions.

Based on 420K reviews
"Risus risus natoque urna faucibus felis netus dictum fames duis ultricies mi habitasse potenti nisi, enim euismod nec dolor, in sed neque sit mauris mattis facilisi nisl augue nulla augue sed quis."
Emily Watson
"Risus risus natoque urna faucibus felis netus dictum fames duis ultricies mi habitasse potenti nisi, enim euismod nec dolor, in sed neque sit mauris mattis facilisi nisl augue nulla augue sed quis."
Tina Oliver
"Risus risus natoque urna faucibus felis netus dictum fames duis ultricies mi habitasse potenti nisi, enim euismod nec dolor, in sed neque sit mauris mattis facilisi nisl augue nulla augue sed quis."
Jennifer Dunn
Dance Teacher
"Risus risus natoque urna faucibus felis netus dictum fames duis ultricies mi habitasse potenti nisi, enim euismod nec dolor, in sed neque sit mauris mattis facilisi nisl augue nulla augue sed quis."
George Weah
"Risus risus natoque urna faucibus felis netus dictum fames duis ultricies mi habitasse potenti nisi, enim euismod nec dolor, in sed neque sit mauris mattis facilisi nisl augue nulla augue sed quis."
Dan James
"Risus risus natoque urna faucibus felis netus dictum fames duis ultricies mi habitasse potenti nisi, enim euismod nec dolor, in sed neque sit mauris mattis facilisi nisl augue nulla augue sed quis."
Emma Tan
High School Student
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Budget Estimate: KES 15000
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